Sunday, 11 March 2012

Cute Chicks!

I emailed the lady I bought the eggs from and she has told me that the dark coloured chick is a Chocolate  Wyandotte, and so we have called it "Coco". The chicks are all doing well, but the little chick that hatched last is still by far the smallest, and we have called him/her "Nano". We can't really tell the other two apart so at least for the meantime we are going to call them "Pinky" and "Perky". Nano is on the bottom left of the following photo.

I've notices that both Pinky and Perky are growing what look to be white wing feathers! I would not expect this if they are Rhode Island Reds, but I'll just have to wait and see how they develop. Ahh the joys of hatching your own chicks!

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