Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Who's a pretty boy then?

Little "Chirpy" as we have called him (yes, I know....) is now 4 days old and growing up fast. I could not resist sharing these photos with you of him standing on my hand.

As you will see quite clearly on the next photo, his wing feathers are starting to grow. His legs are also noticeably stronger and he is much more confident on his feet.

He is eating, drinking (and pooing) well now. I have been giving him fresh food and water every day. Apparently chicks can not regulate their body temperature until they are about 10 days old - without heat they would quickly perish. The Ecoglow heater is a great job - he has mastered the knack of standing with his body under the heater while keeping his head out so that he can see everything that's going on.


  1. Awwww look at his wee face and his plump wee body, he's getting cuter by the day. Lee :)

  2. Aw! Dont the kiddies just grow up so fast!!! Lea xxx
