Sunday, 12 February 2012

More chicks hatching soon

Chirpy is now 2 weeks old, and growing visibly as each day goes by. He is starting to grow some tail feathers and feathers at the base of his wings. He has a very strong perching instinct and perches on my hand when I take him out of the brooder.

Chirpy is a very energetic little fellow and has flown clear out of the brooder more than once when I've had the lid off to change his drinker or give him some food. I still have the bottom of the brooder lined with pieces of fleece blanket, but I'm thinking that he could probably go on to wood shavings soon, although with his scraping ability there will be wood shavings everywhere!

He is soon to have company, although he will continue to have his own private brooder for now. Out of the 7 eggs in the incubator, I think 5 are going to hatch. I candled the eggs a couple of days ago and two of them (including the one I inserted when Chirpy hatched 2 weeks ago) were clear and did not contain an embryo. I removed the infertile eggs just in case they exploded, and also to give the hatching chicks a bit more room.

The chicks are due to hatch tomorrow (Monday) but already three eggs are starting to open and occasionally I can see a tiny beak poke out. I have the bottom of the incubator lined with paper towel in readiness, and have increased the humidity level by completely filling the water pot in the centre.

By this time tomorrow hopefully I'll have some fluffy new chicks. I've made another brooder and have it warming up ready for them, although they can stay in the incubator for up to 24 hours after hatching.


  1. Awww Chirpy is getting so big. And I cant believe the new wee babies are hatching already! Awww the nose in your house with all the chirping will be amazing. Just make sure Lucky doesnt get in the room! I have the feeling he'll be pacing outside the door tomorrow. Good luck with the hatchlings, I hope they all hatch and are healthy. See you on Tuesday....if we can tear you away from your new babies that is, lol. Lee :)

  2. LOL! Lucky is pretending to ignore the noises coming from the spare room, but just waiting for his chance! Great pics Tom, I know it's really hard to get a good picture through the plastic of the egg incubator.
